Electron ELAB DI

EElectron E-COAT+ 3 LAB DI is designed for stationary applications in laboratory
environments, where small sample sizes are tested and it is preferred
to use the paint via suction from a sample pouch. Electron E LAB DI contains all
the electrical and pneumatic features of the Electron E COAT+ 3 Master powder
coating application device. Thanks to the E Feed+ 3 VI in line type
injector that can be easily disassembled and installed under the Electron E
GUN+ 3 C 1 model pistol and its easy to clean internal structure, it is a
useful solution for small sample trials with different colors in
stationary use situations such as laboratory environment.
Additionally, the Electron E-COAT+ 3 LAB DI can easily be converted into a
system for large scale stationary trials when used in combination with
paint tank systems such as the Electron E HOPP 50 with the Electron E HOPP HS 8 8 l
tank transport set and the Electron E FEED+ 3 V 2 type powder coating injector.
The range of use meets the needs of sample applications easily.
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